Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Companies
1. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
   Using the website www.classicsgram.com (including visiting it, registering, using the services offered by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the website www.ClassicsGram.com) implies the full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set forth above down. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully read the Terms and Conditions.
   Attention: The use of the website www.classicsgram.comand the services provided by it are reserved only for people who have reached the age of 18.
   SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL reserves the right to unilaterally modify or update the Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notification to the people who use this site. By accessing the Terms and Conditions page, you can always read the latest version of these provisions, valid and applicable at the time of access.
2. The intended purpose
  The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define and regulate the conditions of use of this website, as well as the terms and conditions applicable to the services offered by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the website www.classicsgram.comto legal entities with a view to publication on website of Ads for the sale of Vehicles.
   The ClassicsGram page contains links or references to other websites/internet pages for the use of which specific terms and conditions of use will apply, as specified on the respective websites/pages, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL not being responsible and not assuming any obligation for the content of the respective sites and/or with regard to any other links or references from them. The inclusion of links or referrals in the Classics Gram Page is usually done to help or in the interest of the Company, and in other cases for advertising purposes. Since SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL cannot guarantee/control the actuality/accuracy of the information present on the websites of third parties, to which reference is made on the Classics Gram Page, the Company accesses those websites and/or uses their products/services exclusively on its own at your own risk and responsibility.
   The entire content of the Classics Gram Page including, but not limited to texts, images, graphics, programs, as well as any other data and applications, are the property of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, being protected according to the Copyright Law and the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property rights. The announcements published by the Company are subject to the intellectual property rights belonging to the Classics Gram Pages Company, being protected as such according to the law. The retrieval of any information and/or data from this site for the purpose of republication, total or partial distribution or for any other purposes, in any form, without the prior written consent of the Provider is strictly prohibited and is punishable according to the laws in force.
3. Definitions
   The terms used in this act will have the following meaning:
   Classics Gram page – the website www.ClassicsGram.com, including any section or subpage thereof. The websites and/or internet pages or other components thereof that belong to third parties and that are accessed by the Company as a result of the links or referrals available on the website www.classicsgram.comare not the subject nor are they included in the scope this definition.
   Price List – the prices charged by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL for the services and products offered through the Classics Gram Page. The Price List constitutes Annex 1 hereto and can be consulted in the final part of this act.
   Supplier/SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL – commercial company SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, Romanian legal entity, with headquarters in Bucharest, Sector 6, Str. EMANOIL MIHAIL SEVERIN, no. 16, registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. J40/4473/2021, fiscal code 43900308, e-mail: info@classicsgram.com.
   Announcement – the public offer launched by a Company with the aim of being published by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the Classics Gram Page regarding the sale of Vehicles.
   Terms and Conditions – the provisions of this document, created by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, which define the conditions and rules that the Company must comply with in order to use the Classics Gram Page, equally applicable to the purchase by the Company of the services provided by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the Classics Gram Page. 
   Vehicle – car, van, truck or any other type of vehicle. The term Vehicle can also refer to car parts or accessories, as well as services related to the car industry or to other mechanical systems currently used for the transport of people and/or goods or for the performance of related services or works.
   Operators – persons specially trained by the Supplier to verify/moderate the content of the Announcements published by the Company on the ClassicsGram Page.
   Company – commercial company that trades cars registered on the ClassicsGram Page
   ClassicsGram.com account – personalized registration created on the ClassicsGram.com website for the purpose of publishing your own offers, allowing the saving of all the data necessary to use the ClassicsGram.com service. Access to the account is provided based on a unique email address, which is assigned a password for the ClassicsGram.com service
   The main page of the Dealer – assigned to the Company account, dedicated to the presentation of the Company’s offer.
4. General Aspects
   An announcement will be added respecting the following conditions:
   the real contact details of the Company.
   the real description of the Vehicle that is the object of the Advertisement,
   the actual technical data of the Vehicle,
  the selling price.
  By publishing the Announcement, the Company declares that it fully and unconditionally agrees with the provisions of this document, being fully aware of the fact that, in case of non-compliance with them, it may be held responsible according to its provisions. The company assumes full responsibility for the content of the Announcement and for the truthfulness of the information published in the Announcement and/or communicated to the Supplier.
   The validity of an ad is 30 days for free accounts and 30 and 60 days for premium accounts with the possibility of extension at the end of this term.
   The services offered by the Supplier comply with the consumer protection legislation according to O.G. 21/1992, of Law 363/2002 on electronic commerce and O.G. 130/2000 regarding consumer protection when concluding and executing distance contracts.
   Rights and Obligations of the Supplier
   The Supplier undertakes to publish all the Announcements sent by the Company through the Classics Gram Page for which the price for publication has been paid and which comply with the provisions/conditions imposed by this document.
   The Supplier undertakes to remedy in the shortest possible time any malfunctions complained of related to the operation of the Classics Gram Page or any inconsistencies between the data provided in the Announcement by the Company and the data published on the Classics Gram Page by the Supplier, with the exception of those inconsistencies reported by to the Company which is due to the fact that the Operators of the Supplier have partially modified the Announcement so that it meets the conditions imposed by this document in order to be kept posted on the Classics Gram Page.
   The Provider does not provide any guarantee to the Company that the Classics Gram Page will be available uninterrupted, on time, secure or error-free. The Provider will not be responsible for the non-display of the Ads or the interruption of their display due to causes that exceed in any way its control, nor for the direct and/or indirect damages that the Company could suffer from this cause.
   The supplier is not responsible for delays caused by technical defects occurring at the level of its collaborators and/or partners.
   The supplier cannot be held responsible for the Company’s activities, especially for the provision of erroneous content regarding the data of the vehicle that is the subject of the Announcement.
   The supplier reserves the right to delete or partially modify an Advertisement if it is found that it violates the Terms and Conditions in any way, especially if it has content considered offensive or defamatory, constitutes unfair competition, violates the intellectual property rights of a third party or is contrary to good practices, which acts to the detriment of the Supplier, or in any other way violates any legal provision. In such cases, the Company will not be reimbursed the fee paid for the activation of the dealer account in question. Also, the Provider reserves the right to suspend, modify, add or delete other portions of the content of the Classics Gram Page at any time.
   The supplier declares that it is the owner of the intellectual property rights related to the ClassicsGram Page, apart from the Announcements published on the website by the Company regarding which it has a non-exclusive right to use/publish under the conditions stipulated in this document.
   The provider does not allow the publication of several Ads for the same Vehicle on the ClassicsGram Page. Therefore, the Provider will have the right to delete the Ads for the same Vehicle, published two or more times. In such cases, the Company will not be reimbursed the payment made for the publication of Announcements subsequent to the original one.
   The supplier does not assume any responsibility for the content or veracity of the published Announcements. The supplier does not guarantee in any way and in any measure for the quality, quantity, availability or any other aspects of the products described in the Ads.
   According to the legislation in force, the Supplier has the obligation to immediately inform the competent public authorities about the apparently illegal activities carried out by the recipients of its services or about the apparently illegal information provided by Companie Paginii Classics Gram.
   Rights and Obligations of the Company
   The company has the right to fully benefit from the services for which it paid the full price set by the Supplier, as long as no violation of the provisions of this document is found.
   The company assumes responsibility for the content of the published Announcements and declares that they correspond to the real and legal condition of the vehicle that is the subject of the Announcement and that it does not violate the rights of the Supplier and/or third parties.
   The Company declares on its own responsibility that it is the owner of all intellectual property rights, including copyrights regarding the published content, including photos, and agrees that it will be published by the Provider on all and any of its online platforms, and through other means, such as: press releases, television, banners, billboards and the Internet.
   By publishing the announcement, the Company declares that it fully and unconditionally agrees with the Terms and Conditions of this document.
   Apart from the information related to its own Announcement, the Company is strictly forbidden to take any information from the Classics Gram Page for total or partial republication in any form, without the written consent of the Supplier in this regard.
7. Verification/Moderation of Ads
1. The verification/moderation of the Ads published on the Classics Gram Page by the Operators of the Supplier aims to remove incomplete, obviously incorrect Ads and/or that do not comply with the provisions of this document (they have content considered offensive or slanderous, are contrary to good practices, etc.), thus trying to offer the rest of the Company, potential buyers, a database that contains as few erroneous Ads as possible.
2. It is not allowed to publish several Ads for the same Vehicle.
3. An Advertisement is valid for a single Vehicle. Ads that refer to more than one Vehicle are not accepted for publication.
4. Ads with obviously false data (including those regarding the technical specifications of the product offered for sale), Ads of an advertising nature or which do not have as their object sales offers regarding Vehicles or related products cannot be published.
5. Ads containing prices considered frivolous by the Supplier are not accepted for publication (for example, but not limited to: prices of 1 euro, prices much lower than the market/statistics available to the Supplier).
6. Announcements are not accepted for publication:
1. which have blurry pictures;
2. which have rotated pictures;
3. with pictures that contain people in the foreground;
4. which contain pictures with deletions;
5. which contain pictures with inscriptions (other than the date inscribed by the camera) or different insignia or have applied logos, brands or other insignia that could infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties;
6. which contain pictures that do not show the product that is the object of the Advertisement;
7. which contain pictures taken from other sources (pictures showing the logo of other sites or pictures with the title of presentation offered by producers or other media agencies regarding the object of the Announcement);
8. which contain web addresses in the text;
9. @@@@@@ regarding auctions or purchases of motor vehicles;
10. which are not related to the content of the advertisement published on ClassicsGram.com or the theme of this site.
9. @@@@@@ Ads containing telephone numbers with surcharge as contact details are not accepted.
10. As a result of finding non-compliance with any of the provisions of this document by any of the Announcements published on the ClassicsGram Page, the Operators of the Supplier will have the right, depending on the specific situation, on a case-by-case basis:
11. either to partially modify the Advertisement, to the extent that this is possible, so as to avoid the deletion of the respective Advertisement from the website and to correct the errors or omissions found (for example: one of the pictures attached to the Advertisement does not meet one of the conditions above, the Announcement contains spelling mistakes);
12. or to interrupt the continuity of the publication of the Announcement by refusing it. Rejecting the Ad means deactivating its posting on the ClassicsGram Page and canceling all services purchased for that Ad.
13. In case of refusal of the Advertisement and its deletion from the Classics Gram Page, the Company will always be informed in writing by e-mail and by posting through the Classics Gram Page about the reason for the refusal, having the possibility to remedy the problem and republish the Advertisement by paying again the price related to the service selected for republishing.
14. If the Company repeatedly publishes the Announcement without fixing the reported problems, the Supplier reserves the right to block the Company’s access to the Classics Gram Page in order to post new Announcements or administer the existing Announcements.
15. In the case of changes to the Terms and Conditions, the changes made will not apply to the agreements regarding the publication of Announcements that were concluded between the Supplier and the Company under the auspices of the previous Terms and Conditions.
8. Promotion of Ads
1. Any Advertisement posted on the ClassicsGram Page directly by the Company can be promoted. An ad without photos cannot be promoted by purchasing services that require at least one photo.
2. An Advertisement can be promoted by:
1. highlighted in the list with a different color compared to the other Ads;
2. positioning of the Announcement at the beginning of the list, in the promoted announcements section;
3. promotion on the first page of the Classics Gram Page in the Promotional Ads section.
4. promotion on ClassicsGram social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok)
3. Each Announcement for which product 8.2.3 was purchased will be displayed on the first page of the website in the Promotion Announcements section. In this section, 8 Ads thus promoted are continuously displayed in rotation.
9. Modification and extension of the validity of an Announcement
1. The ad can be modified free of charge at any time.
2. Any operation performed on an Announcement that changes its content, including photos, or contact data attached to the Announcement, is considered a modification.
10. Prices. Payment methods
1. The prices for the services offered by the Supplier are defined in Annex 1.
2. Payment methods: for the publication of Ads belonging to a Company, payment is made by card online with Stripe Payments.
3. The prices presented in Annex 1 are the same regardless of whether photos were attached to the announcement or not.
13. The procedure for submitting and resolving complaints and notifications received from the Company
1. Any Company can submit a complaint or notification regarding or related to the services offered by the Supplier, respectively the Announcements transmitted/published/unpublished by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL on the ClassicsGram Page, within a maximum of 7 days from the date of the event and/or the appearance of the notified case.
2. Also, the Company has the possibility to send to the Supplier at any time complaints and/or notifications regarding the apparently illegal activities carried out by a Company of the Classics Gram Page that concern and/or are related to the services provided by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL or regarding the apparently illegal information provided by a Company of the Classics Gram Page, of which they have knowledge.
3. Complaints will be submitted via the e-mail address: business@ClassicsGram.com specified on the ClassicsGram Page.
4. Complaints and/or notices sent to the Supplier will include the identification data of the Company, the identification number of the Announcement that is the subject of the complaint (if the complaint or notification concerns a specific Announcement), as well as any other data necessary for the Supplier in order to identify the notified event and / or of the Announcement (as the case may be) and a detailed description of the reason for which the complaint/notification was submitted, so that the Supplier can resolve it in the shortest possible time.
5. Complaints/reports will be analyzed and will receive a response within a maximum of 5 working days from their receipt by the Supplier, if they were accompanied by a complete set of data necessary to identify the Company, the Announcement and/or the problem . In the event that the petitioner has not sent the Supplier all the necessary data to identify the reported problems and resolve the respective complaint/report, the Supplier will notify the Supplier of the missing information, and the above resolution deadline will be extended accordingly.
6. To contact the National Authority for Consumer Protection, the Company can access the link: http://www.anpc.gov.ro or call InfoCons at phone number (021) 9551.
14. Information Note on the Protection of Personal Data
1. According to the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented by Law 102/2005, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL has the obligation to administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that the Companies provide when accessing the Classics Gram Page and/or completing the forms available on the Classics Gram Page.
2. Any person who accesses the Classics Gram Page and/or who provides data and/or personal information through the forms available on the Classics Gram Page, expresses his express and unequivocal consent for SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL to process the data with personal data provided by the Company on this occasion. The personal data collected by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the Classics Gram Page will be used for the purposes associated with the acquisition by the Company of the services offered by the Supplier through this site, respectively the provision in optimal conditions of the services requested by the Supplier Company, as well as, in general, the administration of the Supplier’s relationship with the Company, for marketing purposes (including direct marketing), in order to carry out market studies and including the undertaking of other activities by the Supplier, permitted by law, which are not subject to other approvals separate express from the Company. Therefore, all the data provided by the Company by accessing and/or filling in the forms available on the Classics Gram Page will be able to be collected and processed by the Supplier, being able to be used by it. In exceptional situations, according to the legal provisions in force, the authorities may request that the Supplier disclose certain information that can lead to the identification of a Company, according to the applicable legal provisions.
3. By completing and submitting certain forms available on the ClassicsGram Page (e.g. dealer contact from the Announcement page) and/or providing/transmitting data and/or personal information (e-mail address, telephone, etc.), by any means other means, to third parties (dealers, etc.), users understand and accept the fact that those third parties may decide, independently of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, to process the respective personal data for purposes that are not under the control of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL Therefore, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL is not responsible for and does not assume any obligation related to the disclosure of personal data to third parties by Users. SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL guarantees the confidentiality of personal data that it processes as an operator according to the Terms and Conditions, but the provision of personal data to third parties is done by Users at their own risk and responsibility.
4. Registration in the ClassicsGram.com database is done by completing an online form. The information voluntarily provided in this form must be correct and complete. In case of providing false or incomplete data, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL has the right to refuse or cancel the status of ClassicsGram.com subscriber.
5. As a subscriber of ClassicsGram.com, you agree to respect the Terms and Conditions mentioned here and you will be exclusively responsible for everything you undertake in connection with ClassicsGram.com.
6. After using the ClassicsGram.com Page, the company can obtain various information about you, such as: name and surname, address, telephone number, e-mail addresses, date of birth, information about areas of personal interest.
7. All the data provided by you will be used only for the purposes listed below and with the exact respect of your rights and freedoms regarding your private life, recognized and guaranteed by the Romanian legislation in force. This set of information is hereinafter referred to generically as “Data”.
8. The data will be processed by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL in accordance with the provisions of Law 677/2001, being able to be used for purposes associated with the operation of the website, the marketing of the company’s products and those of its partners, for:
* a. statistics – in order to generate useful statistics for the administration of the site; conducting market, product studies and marketing the products of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL and its partners;
* b. your use of the website services that are available by logging in such as: forum, newsletter, contests, expert advice.
* c. subscribing to the website newsletter in order to send informative materials from the website, advertising, marketing and publicity by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL or its partners/clients (through SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL), subscribing to the newsletter being optional ;
* d. the data subject has the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any justification, to the data concerning him being processed for direct marketing purposes, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or to be disclosed to third parties for such a purpose.
* e. the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority, in the situation in which he considers that his personal data have not been processed according to the laws in force.
9. According to Law no. 677/2001, each Company benefits from the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, the Company has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning it and to request the deletion of the data.
10. To exercise any of these rights, the Company can send a written request to this effect, dated and signed, to the following address: SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, Bucharest, Sector 6, Str. EMANOIL MIHAIL SEVERIN, no. 16, specifying at the same time the right he wishes to exercise over his data.
15. Changes to this document
1. The Supplier reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions, including the Price List without prior notification to the Company.
2. It is the Company’s responsibility to periodically check the content of these Terms and Conditions.
16. Applicable law. disputes
1. The rights and obligations of the parties, mentioned in this act, as well as all the legal effects it produces, are governed by the Romanian law in force.
2. Any litigation that has as its object a dispute arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions is to be resolved by the competent courts in Romania.
Appendix 1: Price List

Annex 3: Privacy Policy

1. According to the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented by Law 102/2005, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL has the obligation to administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that Users provide when accessing the Classics Gram Page and/or completing the forms available on the Classics Gram Page.
2. Any person who accesses the Classics Gram Page and/or who provides data and/or personal information through the forms available on the Classics Gram Page, expresses his express and unequivocal consent for SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL to process the data with personal data provided by Users on this occasion. The personal data collected by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL through the Classics Gram Page will be used for the purposes associated with the acquisition by Users of the services offered by the Provider through this site, respectively the provision in optimal conditions of the services requested by Users of the Provider, as well as, in general, the administration of the Supplier’s relationship with the Users, for marketing purposes (including direct marketing), in order to carry out market studies and including the undertaking of other activities by the Supplier, permitted by law, which are not subject to other approvals separate express from the Users. Therefore, all the data provided by Users by accessing and/or completing the forms available on the Classics Gram Page will be able to be collected and processed by the Supplier, being able to be used by it. In exceptional situations, according to the legal provisions in force, the authorities may request that the Supplier to disclose certain information that can lead to the identification of a User, according to the applicable legal provisions.
3. According to Law no. 677/2001, each User benefits from the right of access, intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to go to court. At the same time, the User has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to request the deletion of the data.
4. SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL can refuse to delete your information, if the subsequent processing of this data by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL is necessary and permitted by law, including if the user does not pay all obligations towards the group or if that SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL receives and records for evidence purposes information that demonstrates the previous behavior of the user to have violated the provisions of the Regulation or the applicable law, and the preservation of the data is necessary to explain the circumstances.
5. Users’ personal data may be transferred to entities authorized to receive them in accordance with applicable law, including competent judicial authorities. Users’ personal data can also be transmitted by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL to third parties, in order to provide the services offered to users through ClassicsGram.com.
6. Users’ personal data are protected by SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL against their unauthorized disclosure, as well as other cases of disclosure or loss and against the unauthorized destruction or modification of data and information by using an appropriate security system, in particular the systems of data encryption.
7. By completing and submitting certain forms available on the ClassicsGram Page (e.g. dealer contact from the Announcement page) and/or providing/transmitting data and/or personal information (e-mail address, telephone, etc.), by any means other means, to third parties (dealers, etc.), users understand and accept the fact that those third parties may decide, independently of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL, to process the respective personal data for purposes that are not under the control of SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL Through therefore, SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL is not responsible for and does not assume any obligation related to the disclosure to third parties, by Users, of personal data. SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL guarantees the confidentiality of personal data that it processes as an operator according to the Terms and Conditions, but the provision of personal data to third parties is done by Users at their own risk and responsibility.
8. SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL uses IP addresses collected during internet connections for technical purposes related to server administration. In addition, IP addresses are used to collect general statistical and demographic information (eg the region from which the connection is made). This data is not combined with the data provided by Users and is only the material for statistical analysis and system error correction mechanisms.
9. SC CDP PIXEL AGENCY SRL uses “cookies”. The information collected using “cookies” helps to customize the services and content according to the individual needs and preferences of users and visitors on the ClassicsGram.com page, as well as to make general statistics regarding the use of the ClassicsGram.com page by Internet users Deactivating options the browser, which allows the storage of cookies, in principle, does not prevent the use of ClassicsGram.com, but it may cause some inconvenience. The detailed provisions regarding cookies determine Information about Cookies posted at: https://classicsgram.com/cookie-policy/



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